Justifying race-baiting after the fact? WTG, Neil!
I wonder if the DNC sent Neil Bortz any flowers?
I know I’m supposed be a knee-jerk supporter of all things Democrat but I’m going to add Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-Georgia) to the list of Dems who would do the party greater service if she would just shut her trap. Stopped by Capitol security because the officer did not recognizer her, she then allegedly got into a scuffle with said officer and is now facing possible charges against her. And her response? Allegations of racism and sexism.
Left in the Reign does not deny that minorities and women still face challenges to their civil liberties and other unfair challenges. However, whenever spurious charges like those of Congresswoman McKinney are made, it weakens the case for more egregious offenses. I mean come on, Congresswoman! You were elected to create and enact the laws of this nation, one would think you could follow the simple rules of your place of employ and wear your freakin’ pin that identifies you as a lawmaker. Instead your ego has vaulted you to some sort of delusional diva status wherein you feel the officer simply should’ve known just who it was he was dealing with.
And then to bring in Harry Belafonte and Danny Glover for support? Well, let’s be honest, it’s lukewarm support at best.
Glover and Belafonte refrained from addressing the facts of the case and said they were there to support McKinney. Belafonte said he did not know what happened during the Wednesday incident but wanted to make sure the matter was handled on "a very fair and very square basis."
Added Glover, "We're not here to judge the merits of the case, but here to support our sister."
We’ve got real issues to fight out there and self-aggrandizing, primadona blowhards only serve to distract. I was sure it wouldn't be long before the right-wing noise machine would go after this. My concern was that the Dems and leftie bloggers would waste time trying to defend her. And then the plucky little Neil Boortz proves me right beyond measure.
What could possibly pull our attention from probably baseless race-baiting? Why, outright, up front racial slurs from the right-wingers! Thank you, Neil. Opining that the Congresswoman looked like "a ghetto slut" and "a welfare drag queen trying to sneak into the Longworth Office Building," Neil reminds us that we can't spell "Boortz" without spelling boor.
Are you perhaps suggesting that this was a pre-emptive ploy to put the race card in play before her indictment? Interesting theory and not beyond plausibility...
Naturally Koko fails to note the fact that Boortz apologized a day later for his comments.
Good unbiased reporting there KooKoo.
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