Wednesday, January 12, 2005

CBS: Another Casualty in the Propaganda War

So CBS fires four people for sloppy work and Dan Rather is set to retire from the Evening News anyway so... And I can hear all the right-wingers snickering like Sydney Greenstreet, "Heh, heh, heh, that was almost too easy. The public's trust of mainstream media has been effectively dashed upon the rocks. Whatever is left will be drowned out by our friends at Fox. None of the others will even think about reporting anything we don't like now that they know what will happen to them...heh, heh, heh, heh..." I feel like I've fallen through the Looking Glass when the only place I see words like this...
Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, no such questioning [as MSNBC does of CBS] of them and their constant, easily provable lying. But CBS, Michael Moore, and anyone else the lying right decides to lynch gets numerous major stories by the entire major press. One story by CBS gets more scrutiny than 1 year of constant lying by Fox News hosts; two hours of Michael Moore film gets more scrutiny than 2 years of Rush Limbaugh’s daily 3-4 hours of flat out lying propaganda – which the President condones by going on his show and calling him his “good friend.” from an unassociated internet source. The lie of the "so called 'liberal' media" has so permeated our culture that it is as accepted as easily as Bush's "mandate" of barely over 50%. The constant barage from Fox/Hannity/O'Reilly/Limbaugh and the absence of a countering statement from...well ANYwhere has left us as brainwashed as it took to make us buy Brittney Spears CDs.
Which brings us to the question of why the Bush/Limbaugh right goes through the trouble and expense of setting all of this up, while neither the middle, left, or actual right does? Why have O’Reilly, Murdoch, Bush, Limbaugh, Drudge, and the rest of the Fox/Limbaugh brand propagandists managed to set up such a massive media network of 24 hours a day lying, blame shifting, and partisan spinning while the other sides have not?

This is a great point of consternation for the left. How come their people have not done this for them? Why have the Bush/Limbaugh Republicans set all of this up while the rest have done nothing?

The answer is simple: because they have to.

It only takes 5 seconds to say, “President Bush’s tax cuts will create deficits.” It is an obvious, simple, undeniable point. Numbers before and reality after the cuts occur prove it without much need for explanation.

On the other hand, to convince people that the obvious truth is not true requires constant work, constant, brainwashing repetition of lies and misrepresentations. And just as importantly, it requires absolute control...Because just as important to the convincing people not to notice obvious truth or reality is spending endless hours lying about where the other side stands so that the Bush/Limbaughians can manage to blame the other guys for the mess their horrible policies have created...

source: The Moderate Independent


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