Monday, January 10, 2005

Winston Smith has been here

Is it just me? I've noticed an odd little bit of historical revision a la 1984 going around. People are saying that the US has finally stepped up with its pledge of $350 million after having been criticized for its initial pledge of $35 million. The problem is, our initial pledge was for just $15 million. That is the amount (coupled with the rest of the West) that prompted the "stingy" remark.
(from a transcript of Sec'y of State Colin Powell and Mr. Ed Fox, Assistant Administrator for United States Agency for International Development):
As the Secretary had said, not only have we responded, both in terms of the short run, with $400,000 to the various embassies and also a large commitment to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent, but it's anticipated that we'll add another -- at least immediately -- another probably $10 million, for a total of about $15 million, in our initial response to this tragedy.
It's bad enough we took a "let them eat cake" attitude at first but this dishonest brainwashing attempt to rewrite history is frightening and appalling.
I realize the last four years have fraught with one crisis after another (the loss of an Aries spy plane into China's hands, 9-11, anthrax scares, Afganistan & the Taliban, Iraq, hurricanes in FL, and now the earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean) but with the exception of bailing out his brother's state, this administration has shown a startling inability of dealing with stress. And now we see them trying to ameliorate their past mistakes. And it's working!


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