Thursday, January 06, 2005

Box(er)ing Day

Peeking at a stream of C-SPAN (yeah, should be working but this is history in the making). I read earlier today that Senator Boxer would stand with Representative John Conyers so that that abysmal scene we saw in Fahrenheit 9/11 so that the highly questionable events in Ohio can be examined. So take that Mike Malloy of Air America Radio who just last night was decrying that no one had the spine to stand up. I missed that particular event but am now watching the House debate.
No one expects to change the results of the election; that is not the purpose of these objections. (Hmm, Rep. Nancy Pelosi is saying the same thing even as I type this...)
I find the Republicans nauseatingly disingenuous by trying to paint the Dems as "sore losers" trying to acheive a back door victory. This is about the most basic foundation of a democracy: a fair and accurate voting process. As Representative Pelosi says, "Other rights are illusory if the right to vote is undermined."
...[time passes]...
Geez, and here's yet another Republican blathering on about how "this election has been decided" and how the Dems are "trying to change the past". And then there's ANOTHER Republican going on about the Ohio recount. These fosils couldn't see the point if jabbed it in their beady little rat-eyes. The objections are not about the count of the votes collected, it's about how those votes got collected in the first place: touch-screens with no paper trail (build by a company that supported Bush), active discouragement of voters, denial of provisional ballots, etc. etc. etc.
[sigh] I don't think I can watch much more of this. But won't it be interesting to see what the SCLM ("so-called liberal media") and the bloviators of Faux News say about these procedings.
...[time passes]... go, Congressman Kucinich! He's getting fired up. Good words, too.


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