Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Sipping from the firehose

CNN.com - Daily blog roundup - Jul 27, 2004

Apparently there's just too much news out there for the big media giants to assign to their cadres of reporters. The answer? Why, exploit the little people! A few, select bloggers (read: not yours truly) have been granted access to the Dems' convention. At first derided as "not real journalists"--and, yes, I believe the spokesmodels reading the "news" from their teleprompters kept a straight face as they read that--bloggers are now fuel for the firehouse of information saturation.

Could it be that we're on the verge of a whole new way of information gathering? A sort of viral spread of vital news previously left only to the powers-that-be. Individually, each blogger is but a speck on the radar scope of information, but collectively their decentralized structure will soon become the tail wagging the dog of society. We can all be Edison Carter twenty minutes into the future.

Mark my words: we are witnessing another societal paradigm shift, greater than the implications of cell phones though somewhat less than that of the Internet. Talk to me a 2-5 years and just try to tell me I was wrong.


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