Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Moore or Less

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"? Eh, sometimes. But sometimes you end up aligning yourself with someone you have to continually justify and "explain" your relationship. Such is the case, I believe, with the ubiquitous Michael Moore.

Don't get me wrong, he is a wonderful gadfly but let us not be overly eager to embark on every flight of fancy he books for us. To be fair, I've not yet seen F-911 as I am trying to temper my expected glee--at seeing Bush II shown for the feckless facade that he is--with the oft-valid critiques of the film. Here, for example is a credible rundown from Knigh-Ridder which seems balanced in that it props up some of Moore's claims and whittles away at others. Salon.com had a good pair of pro & con pieces as well, but you have to subscribe to view them (although I was able to read them with a temporary "trial" pass).

Given the tenor and mein of the current Bush Regime, we need only lay bare the facts to show them for what they are. When we march to Moore's drum we can get ourselves tripped up in some inconsequential inconsistancies, specious interpretations, and even minor factual errors. These, you can be sure, will be jumped upon by the Republican Noise Machine and they will drown out the truths that must be heard. We must be better than them by taking the moral high ground: honesty. Admit the "errors" in F-911 but stay on message about those truths revealed in the film. Also, we must allow our leaders to respectfully distance themselves from the likes of Michael Moore. His cause may be our cause but his presence distracts from our message.


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