Thursday, July 08, 2004


Hmm...Presumptive Democratic nominee for president John Kerry names the charismatic John Edwards as his running mate amid the cheers and lauding of Dems from all over. The Repugnicans take a few shots ("He's inexperienced", "He's a trial lawyer") which land nowhere. And what happens next? Why naturally the Administration announces yet another extremely vague yet somehow "credible" terrorist threat perhaps/maybe/probably/your-guess-is-as-good-as-mine aimed at disrupting the upcoming elections. Coincidence?

Okay, so here is your homework assignment: first, divide yourselves up into pairs. The first person is to collect whatever polling data they can tracking Bush the Younger's popularity since 9-11, keeping their sources consistent (compare Zogby to Zogby, ABCnews to ABCnews, or even Fox to Fox) and noting the dates of each significant dip; the second person will chronologically sort all "terrorist threat" announcements from both the Justice Department and the Office of Homeland Security. What do you expect we'll find? I may be wrong but I've got a strong suspicion already.


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