F-ing Crazies
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Colin Powell in four-letter neo-con 'crazies' row
Here's a question that will come up again and again...what is the likes of Colin Powell doing in the Republican party? If Kerry/Edwards is ultimately victorious in November, it could serve as the wake-up call the GOP needs: dump the ultra-cons and shift attention to the moderate Republicans who are the base of that party. A post-Bush world will see more air time for McCain, Schwarzenegger, and Powell. That will make it harder to tell the difference between the Dems and the GOP without really looking into their issues and platforms. Like it was in the old days. And we should see a melding of "red states" and "blue states". OR, the Dems may blow it and do a reverse-Republican: swing too far left in order to differentiate themselves from the future-moderate Republicans.
Time will tell, but Koko hasn't been wrong yet. Of course, neither has he predicted anything either.
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