In Sacramento on KSQR 1240AM, we've been receiving
Air America Radio for several weeks now. Unfortunately, it's a smaller-wattage station and the signal just barely penetrates the building where I work. But even the massive Clear Channel stations don't come in with a clean signal. I work in a metal framed building and only the more powerful FM stations get in with good sound. Still, I'm able to listen on my way in and out of work. I'm not as fond of
Unfiltered which runs during drive time out here but
The O'Franken Factor and
The Majority Report are quite good. Franken is very fair and very knowledgable and loves to skewer the pompous windbags that are O'Reilly, Hannity, and Limbaugh. This is the show I would want to do if I had the time and resources (and endurance) to listen to those neo-con noisemakers and research the inevitable refutations. To be fair, I think Janeane Garrafalo and Sam Seder on
The Majority Report let their bias shine more than Franken but they have a better raport with each other and, frankly, are better radio hosts than the flagship "star" Al Franken. And, too, I think I'm falling in love with